A Home of Peace!            To find Harmony.             To live in Reconciliation.            To die with Dignity.

SHANTHI DHAM is a home for the dying, with the singular mission to provide a home for the homeless, the unwanted, the poor, the destitute, and the abandoned . . . those who are aged, terminally ill, or nearing the end of life with life-limiting conditions . . . those who lack care, compassion, and concern.

OUR FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLE: Shanthi Dham is founded  on the principle that the unconditional dignity of human life is written into the heart and consciousness of every human person who is born into the world, and that he/she possesses this quality from conception to death. We strongly believe that God is the author of life, and that we are created in His image and likeness; therefore, the sanctity and sacredness of life needs to be guarded, protected, and promoted. This sacredness gives rise to an absolute and unconditional value to human life. When confronted by terminal illness and age-related issues, we have a duty to take all reasonable efforts to maintain and restore the sacredness and sanctity of life.

OUR OBJECTIVE: Our chief objective is to create a home of peace for the restless, pained, and suffering . . . for the spiritually, mentally, and physically troubled . . . the disturbed homeless . . . and our poor brothers and sisters . . . without regard to caste, creed, or color . . . so that they might find peace and die with dignity.

WHAT WE DO: Shanthi Dham assists the dying by providing for management of their pain and caring for the psychological distress and spiritual needs that are unique to the end of life. Shanthi Dham is not a hospital for medical treatment or a center for physical healing. It is a home for spiritual and psychological healing through love, care, and compassion.

WE COMMIT TO: Our commitment is to loving and caring for persons who are at the end of life, particularly those who are uncared for, unwanted, and rejected. Serving them reveals to power and meaning of the unconditional dignity of life. Shanthi Dham is committed to this mission.